Terracon offers both live online and in-person classes!
Training Classes
Our instructors are renowned for their knowledge, personality, and genuine interest in their students. Whether teaching an open enrollment class at our facility or a custom class on-site at your facility, they make a lasting impression. We continually receive feedback praising our instructors and our training content excellence as the primary reasons students prefer Terracon.
We can tailor any of our classes for your organization’s needs and hold them at your location, ours, or sometimes online!

Asbestos Classes
We offer both INITIAL and some REFRESHER classes IN-PERSON. All our REFRESHERS are available as ONLINE classes. Click on our Registration link below for details. For Asbestos Worker and Supervisor applications in Washington, notarization is required to be provided by the training provider. Our online worker and supervisor refreshers now INCLUDE CONVENIENT ONLINE NOTARIZATION of student application forms! You also have the option of coming into our Mountlake Terrace location in-person for your notarization.

8-Hour Class II Intact Asbestos Training (Asbestos Cement Pipe, Roofing, Flooring, etc.)
Did you know that sometimes Certified Asbestos Workers are not required for abatement work? If your project has "miscellaneous" asbestos-containing materials (ACM) that will remain non-friable (intact) during removal, your workers may only need 8-hour Class II Intact ACM training. We can provide the 8-hour training required and specific to the type of ACM on your project. The OSHA & WA L&I regulations require this training be specific to one type of intact ACM and include hands-on. Our training is conducted in-person at your location, or ours if more convenient for you. In Washington State, L&I accreditation is required for asbestos cement pipe training, and we are accredited! Contact us if you would like to explore training options that will fit your needs.
Lead-Based Paint & Lead Hazards in Construction Classes
Terracon is certified by both the EPA and Washington State to offer Lead Renovator Training. AND we now offer WA Spanish Lead Renovator training! For worker protection training we offer Lead Hazards in Construction to satisfy OSHA and WA Labor & Industries training requirements, which are different and separate from EPA and WA Commerce’s requirements for Lead-based paint. We also offer WA Lead Inspector and Lead Risk Assessor initial or refresher classes on a custom basis for your team.
HAZWOPER, Hazardous Waste Management, Hazmat Transport, Emergency Response
We offer hazardous material/waste initial and refresher classes:
- HAZWOPER Site Clean-up
- HAZWOPER Emergency Spill Response
- WA Dangerous Waste/RCRA Hazardous Waste Management
- DOT Hazardous Materials Transportation
- Hazard Communication
- Silica Hazards
Asbestos, Lead & Hazmat News
Check here for industry highlights and changes.
WA Asbestos Workers & Supervisors: Check Your Card Status Online!
Washington State L&I has a very handy "Verify A Contractor" database where you can search by your name to check on and print out your certification information any time. Though your wallet card from the state is still required, this database shows your current certification status. Click below to go to the L&I "Verify A Contractor" tool!
2024 EPA Chrysotile Asbestos Ban
In March of 2024, EPA finalized the ban on Chrysotile prohibiting ongoing uses of this mineral, which is the only known form of asbestos currently used in or imported to the United States. Raw chrysotile asbestos was imported into the United States as recently as 2022 for use by the chlor-alkali industry. Most consumer products that historically contained chrysotile asbestos have been discontinued. Click below for the full EPA press-release.
EPA NESHAP Asbestos Enforcement Region 10 & WA Local Clean Air Agencies
ALERT: EPA Region 10 Enforces NESHAP Asbestos in Central & Eastern WA (contractors take note for project pre-notifications!)
Washington: WA Ecology enforces asbestos requirements for sources with a Title V air permit (ex: pulp & paper mills). EPA R10 now handles asbestos NESHAP enforcement east of the Cascades, except for certain Local Clean Air Agency regions (Yakima, Benton, Spokane). EPA R10 also handles asbestos abatement on Tribal lands.
Oregon: OR DEQ enforces asbestos requirements for sources with a Title V air permit. Asbestos NESHAP notifications must be sent electronically via "Your DEQ Online".
Idaho: ID DEQ enforces asbestos requirements for sources with a Title V air permit. EPA R10 handles all other asbestos NESHAP enforcement.
Asbestos Abatement Pre-Notices where EPA has jurisdiction: Hard copy must be sent to R10 EPA for Alaska, Idaho, and Central/Eastern Washington (potential violation under 40 CFR § 61.145 if not received). Contacts:
- Primary: Andrew.Gregory@epa.gov (WA, ID & AK). Email, & hard copy.
- WA focus: Farnham.Kim@epa.gov. Email, & hard copy.
Vermiculite And Asbestos In WA
Vermiculite in building materials can be naturally cross-contaminated with asbestos. For that reason special care is needed to minimize dust during handling and disposal. Most landfills require you dispose of it as asbestos-containing material, even if it is not. Some WA local clean air agencies regulate vermiculite as asbestos-containing material too. Click the link below for a WA map and links to all the local clean air agencies to find their asbestos regulations.
NEW! Spanish Lead Renovator (RRP) Classes
We now offer WA Lead Renovator Initial training in Spanish! Check our course schedule for dates and details. Like any of our classes, we can also teach as a custom class at your location for your team.
PAPR Respirators For Some Class I Projects Are Permitted In WA
NEW WA L&I DOSH Directive 23.90 will allow PAPR respirators for low exposure Class I work, in addition to current supplied air respirator options. This is a big shift for Washington and relief for abatement contractors! Click below to see the new DD 23.90 effective April 26, 2022.

WAC 296-65 Safety Standards for Asbestos Removal and Encapsulation Key Points
A partial list of changes made in 2020:
- Grace period after Asbestos Worker or Supervisor card expiration date is now 12 months (L&I exam still required if card is expired);
• Asbestos abatement project non-emergency pre-notification by abatement contractor is now 5 days instead of 10 days;
• Pre-requisite 1600 hours of experience for 40-hour Asbestos Supervisor training now requires notarized affidavits of work experience from applicant’s employers;
• For ALL of the changes and details, see the latest version of WAC 296-65 which can be found here.
Need a class you don’t see listed?
We can customize and offer any of our classes for your team at your location or ours and often virtually. We also offer many other topics mostly as custom classes such as: hazmat emergency response; confined spaces; awareness level asbestos, lead, or silica; silica competent person; lead in construction; asbestos operations and maintenance (Class III) initial and refresher; mold; fall protection; hazardous energy control (lock-out/tag-out); respiratory protection/PPE and more.
Click the Contact Us button below to send us your inquiry and we’ll respond directly.

Consulting Services
Learn more about all of our industrial hygiene consulting services including asbestos, lead, regulated materials, mold and moisture intrusion, chemical exposure, indoor environmental quality, emergency response, workplace health and safety, and more.
We Are Now Terracon!
You can expect the same friendly professionals and excellent service! You can count on continuing to have access to the quality, up-to-date information and class schedule you depend on.
Thank you for your ongoing health & safety training partnership - whether you are new to us or have been a longtime patron of 20+ years! We appreciate our connection with you.