Training Classes
To learn more about our environmental health & safety classes, explore the links below.
Client Specific Custom Classes
We can tailor any training for your needs and hold it at your location or ours and often online! Do you have specific on-site safety & health procedures, work practices or scenarios you need covered? With a deep bench of Terracon subject matter experts, we bring greater value to your training experience by customizing it to your program and policy needs.

What our Students are Saying About our LIVE Online Classes
Excellent job with the refresher today! You have a way of keeping folks interested and engaged and via Zoom that is even more significant! I appreciate your effort and skill and experience!
I don’t typically toot too many horns in my old age but doing so to you seems natural. You are hands down the most interesting trainer I have had in my now 37th year of abatement. You carry this electronic class without a slow moment, and it seems like you obtain the same or more class participation even as we sit 1500 miles apart. Awesome content, discussions and I love the Zoom option.
I think online refreshers are the way to go! Still had productive conversation and learning moments. The Zoom (webinar) platform worked perfectly, especially not having all the videos up and (instead having) the chat and Q&A options.
A great class, I have been taking Haz-mat training since 1985. My Original Haz-Mat training was... as a Haz-mat responder. They (past non-Argus Pacific training) did a great job of scaring the bejesus out of you, but far less to build confidence. This class turned out to be the best Haz- mat refresher/ training event I had.
I really liked your class and felt very engaged and didn’t feel like I missed the classroom at all. The ability to answer online actually gives everyone a chance to respond and engage, some folks never speak up in class or some of us just think super-fast and blurt out loud. This way, it allowed people to process at their own pace or even answer incorrectly… The polls were nice too, I really liked seeing the answers.
Asbestos Classes
We offer both INITIAL and some REFRESHER classes IN-PERSON. All our REFRESHERS are available as ONLINE classes. Click on our Registration link below for details. For Asbestos Worker and Supervisor applications in Washington, notarization is required to be provided by the training provider. Our online worker and supervisor refreshers now INCLUDE CONVENIENT ONLINE NOTARIZATION of student application forms! You also have the option of coming into our Mountlake Terrace location in-person for your notarization.
Asbestos, Lead & Hazmat News
Check here for industry highlights and changes.
NEW WA L&I DOSH Directive 23.90 will allow PAPR Respirators for some Class I abatement
NEW WA L&I DOSH Directive 23.90 will allow PAPR respirators for low exposure Class I work, in addition to current supplied air respirator options. This is a big shift for Washington and relief for abatement contractors! Click below to see the new DD 23.90 effective April 26, 2022.
NEW! Spanish Lead Renovator (RRP) Classes
We now offer WA Lead Renovator Initial training in Spanish! Check our course schedule for dates and details. Like any of our classes, we can also teach as a custom class at your location for your team.
Vermiculite and Asbestos in WA
Vermiculite in building materials can be naturally cross-contaminated with asbestos. For that reason special care is needed to minimize dust during handling and disposal. Most landfills require you dispose of it as asbestos-containing material, even if it is not. Some WA local clean air agencies regulate vermiculite as asbestos-containing material too. Click the link below for a WA map and links to all the local clean air agencies to find their asbestos regulations.
Attention Asbestos Workers and Supervisors: Pandemic Exceptions Expired
DD 1.60 used to extend certification expiration date flexibility during the pandemic. This is no longer in effect as of February 1, 2023. There are no longer any pandemic-related exceptions for expired cards.
Lead Based Paint & Lead Hazards in Construction Classes
Terracon is certified by both the EPA and Washington State to offer Lead Renovator Training. We also offer WA Lead Inspector and Lead Risk Assessor classes on a custom class basis for your team. For worker protection training we offer Lead Hazards in Construction to satisfy OSHA and WA Labor & Industries training requirements, which are different and separate from EPA and WA Commerce’s requirements for Lead-based paint.
8-Hour Class II Intact Asbestos Training (Asbestos Cement Pipe, Roofing, Flooring, etc.)
Did you know that sometimes Certified Asbestos Workers are not required for abatement work? If your project has "miscellaneous" asbestos-containing materials (ACM) that will remain non-friable (intact) during removal, your workers may only need 8-hour Class II Intact ACM training. We can provide the 8-hour training required and specific to the type of ACM on your project. The OSHA & WA L&I regulations require this training be specific to one type of intact ACM and include hands-on. Our training is conducted in-person at your location, or ours if more convenient for you. In Washington State, L&I accreditation is required for asbestos cement pipe training, and we are accredited!

WAC 296-65 Safety Standards for Asbestos Removal and Encapsulation was updated as of March 2, 2020.
A partial list of the new changes includes the following:
- Grace period after Asbestos Worker or Supervisor card expiration date is now 12 months (L&I exam still required if card is expired);
• Asbestos abatement project non-emergency pre-notification by abatement contractor is now 5 days instead of 10 days;
• Pre-requisite experience requirements for applicants seeking initial 40-hour Asbestos Supervisor training are now more stringent and require notarized affidavits of work experience from applicant’s employer(s);
• Worker initial class exam is reduced from 100 to 50 questions.
• For ALL of the changes and details, see the latest version of WAC 296-65 which can be found here.
EPA & Washington-Certified Lead Renovator Training
Terracon (formerly Argus Pacific) is certified by the EPA and Washington State Department of Commerce to provide training in lead-safe work practices required by the EPA.
Download the course summary for Terracon's EPA and Washington-Certified Lead Renovator Training Initial 8-Hour Class.

Who is Required to have Lead Renovator Certification
This training is required for work on projects involving renovation, repair, or painting (RRP) in residential or child-occupied (children under age 6) facilities built before 1978 and in which lead paint exists. If more than 6 square feet interior or more than 20 square feet exterior will be disturbed, there must be a Certified Lead Renovator supervising the project.
Terracon is certified by both EPA and Washington State to provide Lead Renovator training. We are certified by Washington State to also provide Lead Inspector and Risk Assessor.
AHERA Asbestos Building Inspector Initial - 3 Days
Prior to renovation, demolition and other construction-related activities in a building, vessel or structure; the building materials that will be affected by the work must be sampled and tested for asbestos. This class certifies individuals needing to perform this sampling. EPA, clean air agencies and Washington State Department of Labor & Industries regulations require that all asbestos bulk samples collected from public and commercial buildings and school facilities be obtained by an Accredited AHERA Building Inspector. An Accredited AHERA Building Inspector is required to determine the presence and location of asbestos containing materials in a building and to write the report to document these findings. This EPA-accredited 3-day (24 hour) course satisfies the requirements outlined in the EPA 40 CFR 763 regulation (AHERA/ASHARA). Personnel who would benefit from this certification include industrial hygienists, engineers, construction contractors, flood and fire recovery contractors, asbestos abatement contractors, architects, property managers, regulatory personnel and environmental consultants. The initial course requires successful completion of the class and a final exam score of 70% or higher.
Refresher: Completing an annual 4-hour refresher course is required to maintain certification. There is a 12-month grace period after your certification expiration date, during which you may still take a refresher. If your card is expired for more than 12 months you will be required to re-take the initial class.
AHERA Asbestos Management Planner Initial - 16 Hours
Federal EPA regulations under the Asbestos Hazards Emergency Response Act (AHERA/ASHARA) require school districts whose buildings contain asbestos to develop management plans for each building. The management plan is a required document that specifies training, cleaning, work practices, and surveillance to maintain asbestos-containing materials in good condition. Individuals who design, review and modify these plans must receive an AHERA Management Planner accreditation and keep it current. Though not required for buildings other than K-12 schools, this Management Planner training is helpful for anyone managing asbestos building materials in a large facility or collection of buildings, such as campuses. This EPA-accredited course satisfies the training requirements listed in the EPA 40 CFR 763 regulation (AHERA/ASHARA) for Management Planners.
Prerequisite: AHERA Asbestos Building Inspector certification. Both certifications need to be maintained separately.
Refresher: Completing an annual 4-hour refresher course is required to maintain certification. There is a 12-month grace period after your certification expiration date, during which you may still take a refresher. If your card is expired for more than 12 months you will be required to re-take the initial Management Planner class.
AHERA Asbestos Project Designer Initial - 24 Hours
EPA regulations require that persons who design certain types of asbestos response actions in schools and public or commercial buildings and vessels should be accredited as AHERA Project Designers. A response action is defined under AHERA/ASHARA as removal, enclosure, encapsulation, or repair of friable asbestos-containing materials. It is designed to cover the required engineering and work practice controls and administrative procedures for asbestos work. It also addresses liability issues associated with asbestos project design work and recommendations to help manage risk. Even when the AHERA Project Designer certification is not required by law, having the knowledge-base acquired in this course will help prevent costly citations and litigation associated with not knowing up-to-date best management practices and current trends. It is recommended for industrial hygienists, engineers, architects, construction managers and estimators, asbestos supervisors, and consultants who deal with asbestos work. This EPA-accredited 3-day (24 hour) course satisfies the requirements outlined in the EPA 40 CFR 763 regulation (AHERA/ASHARA) for Project Designers.
Prerequisite: There is no required prerequisite for this course; however, an AHERA Building Inspector, Asbestos Supervisor or Asbestos Worker certification is strongly recommended prior to taking this fast-paced and more advanced course. The initial course requires successful completion of the class and a final exam score of 70% or higher.
Refresher: Completing an annual 8-hour refresher course is required to maintain certification. There is a 12-month grace period after your certification expiration date, during which you may still take a refresher. If your card is expired for more than 12 months you will be required to re-take the initial class.
Asbestos Awareness (Class IV) - 2 Hours – Currently available as a Contract Class only
This course is required for all personnel who perform maintenance or custodial activities in buildings where asbestos-containing materials may be present in the areas in which they work. It is also recommended for anyone who seeks a solid introduction to recognizing asbestos issues in buildings; and learning about asbestos health hazards, regulations, and proper materials handling. This course includes general information about the various forms of asbestos, their uses, history, health effects, products that may contain asbestos, their potential locations, engineering controls, work practices, and identifying and responding to a release. The intended scope for this course is for personnel who may come in contact with but who will not disturb nor work on asbestos containing building materials. This course is designed to meet the requirements for Class IV asbestos work and custodial activities under WAC 296-62-07722 and OSHA 29 CFR 1926.1101, and for school maintenance and custodial staff asbestos awareness training as required by EPA 40 CFR Part 763.92.
Refresher: Annual 2 hour refresher training is required.
Asbestos Contractor-Supervisor (Class I, II, III, IV) Initial - 40 Hours
This 5-day course is designed for personnel who will supervise asbestos abatement projects or oversee asbestos workers. The class includes all of the content in the 32-Hour Asbestos Worker course in greater depth as well as supervision and management, administrative programs, how to select and set-up engineering controls properly, how to set up and conduct air monitoring, how to calculate worker airborne exposures, and how to set-up and manage supplied air breathing systems. Many hands-on exercises are included such as setting up and calibrating air sampling equipment, Type C supplied air breathing systems, respiratory protection, glove-bagging, calculating and locating ventilation requirements for an enclosure, and 3-stage personnel decontamination. Certification license cards are issued from the Washington State Dept. of Labor & Industries. The initial course requires successful completion of the class and a final exam score of 70% or higher. This Washington State certified course meets the requirements of EPA 40 CFR 763, OSHA 29 CFR 1926.1101 and WAC 296-65 for Asbestos Supervisor training. The Washington State $65 individual license card fee is included in the tuition for both initial and refresher courses. Valid government-issued photo ID is required for class admission.
Prerequisite: Students must certify they hold at least *1600 hours of experience in one or more of the following: Asbestos Abatement, Asbestos Project Design, Asbestos Construction Project Supervision, Consultation on Asbestos Abatement Projects, Asbestos Operations and Maintenance Program Supervision. *Note: see Washington State Department of Labor & Industries for the ‘Affidavit of Experience’ form that employers should complete and students should bring with them to class.
Refresher: Completing an annual 8-hour refresher course is required to maintain certification. You may attend a refresher after your card expiration date (must be less than 12 months after expiration) but will also be required to pass a WA Labor & Industries exam for an additional fee. Students with cards expired longer than 12 months will be required to re-take the initial Supervisor class.
Asbestos, Lead & Silica Awareness – Currently available as a Contract Class only
This class is available on a contract basis only. It covers three of the most common construction airborne hazards, including the new rules for respirable crystalline silica. Crystalline silica is a common mineral found in many naturally-occurring and man-made materials used in construction (ex: brick, stone, concrete, mortar, sand). When these materials are disturbed (sanding, grinding, sawing, crushing, drilling, etc.), silica dust is released. The first two hours of this course covers asbestos awareness for those students needing only this topic (they should register separately for the 2-hour asbestos awareness class on this same date). Following asbestos, the focus will be on lead and silica exposure hazards common in construction activities.
Refresher: Annual refresher training is required for asbestos and lead only.
Asbestos Operations & Maintenance (Class III) – 16 Hours – Currently available as a Contract Class only
This course is intended for Asbestos Operations and Maintenance (also known as Class III) types of activities. Our course actually runs approximately 22 hours over parts of four days and includes hands-on practice with respirators, glove-bags, mini-enclosures and decontamination procedures. Course material focuses on Class III asbestos work, which is defined as repair and maintenance operations which are very small in scale and for a short duration; and that may disturb asbestos in small quantities. In Washington State a Class III-trained asbestos worker may only perform work that disturbs less than one square foot of asbestos material and cannot work on any asbestos-containing pipe insulation. This course is recommended for maintenance or technician personnel who will only occasionally perform small tasks where some asbestos disturbance must occur, such as drilling or cutting small holes into or scraping small amounts of asbestos containing material. This course is designed to meet the training requirements in WAC 296-62-07722, OSHA 29 CFR 1926.1101, and EPA 40 CFR Part 763.92.
Refresher: Annual refresher training is required; we provide a 4-hour refresher.
Asbestos Worker (Class I, II, III, IV) Initial - 32 Hours
This Washington State Certified 4-day course meets the requirements of EPA TSCA Title II, 29 CFR 1926.1101 and WAC 296-65 for asbestos abatement workers. Topics focus on all aspects of abatement operations including asbestos types, uses and building material types; health hazards; regulations; worker protection and decontamination issues; personal protective equipment; site safety; state of the art work practices and engineering controls. Hands-on exercises include use of respirators; removal and repair of simulated asbestos materials; glove-bag installation, use and removal; construction of containments; decontamination; and proper entry and exit procedures from the regulated area. The initial course requires successful completion of the class and a final exam score of 70% or higher. Certification license cards are issued from the Washington State Dept. of Labor & Industries. Students who complete the class will be issued a pink copy of their signed application, which they can use as a temporary card for up to six weeks until their official State card arrives. The Washington State $45 individual license card fee is included in the tuition for both initial and refresher courses. Valid government-issued photo ID is required for class admission.
Refresher: Completing an annual 8-hour refresher course is required to maintain certification. You may attend a refresher after your card expiration date (must be less than 12 months after expiration) but will also be required to pass a WA Labor & Industries exam for an additional fee. Students with cards expired longer than 12 months will be required to re-take the initial Worker class.
Confined Space Entry Safety – 4 Hours
This course is designed to meet the basic overview training requirements in WAC 296-809, 29 CFR 1926.1200 and 29 CFR 1910.146 for permit-required confined space work in construction and general industry. Students will discuss and understand how to identify confined spaces, recognize the hazards associated with them, and the types and characteristics of hazardous atmospheres and other potential hazards. Details covered include the requirements of the Confined Space regulation; the written permit program; when to use and how to complete a permit; when to re-classify a space for alternate entry; personnel roles of entrant, attendant, supervisor and rescuers; emergency rescue planning; retrieval system requirements; air sampling and ventilation.
Refresher: Refresher training is not required for supervisors, attendants and entrants. Annual hands-on refresher training is required for personnel who perform entry-rescue duties.
Hazard Communication/Globally Harmonized System (GHS) – Currently available as a Contract Class only
OSHA requires that all affected employees receive training in the new Hazard Communication GHS labeling and Safety Data Sheet (SDS) systems. This class provides a fast-paced and comprehensive overview of the OSHA Hazard Communication changes in 29 CFR 1910.1200 that incorporates the UN GHS requirements for chemicals used on the job. Washington Labor & Industries’ corresponding regulation is WAC 296-901. Topics include when GHS-Hazcom, hazmat classification and categories, understanding the new format SDSs, pictograms, and container label requirements.
Hazardous Materials Technician Emergency Response Initial – 24 Hours – Currently available as a Contract Class only
The course is designed for those individuals who respond to and assume an offensive role regarding uncontrolled hazardous substance releases or potential releases, such as entry into a spill zone to stop/plug a leak or perform other duties inside the danger area. The course covers the competencies required for identifying hazardous substances, the requirements of an Emergency Response Plan, understanding consequences of hazardous substances in an emergency, basic and advanced hazard and risk assessment techniques, basic and advanced control and containment of hazardous substances, use of field survey equipment, personal protective equipment (including levels A & B with SCBAs) and decontamination procedures. Competency to participate in actual emergency response procedures is determined by each attendee’s employer. This course satisfies the generic OSHA/Washington State training requirements in HAZWOPER (29 CFR 1910.120(q) and WAC 296-824) for Hazardous Material Technician level responders.
Refresher: Annual re-certification of competency to perform duties is required to maintain certification. Attending a HAZWOPER 8-hour refresher helps meet this requirement.
Hazardous Materials Transportation - US DOT Initial & Refresher - 8 Hours
The US Department of Transportation (DOT) defines a Hazmat Employee as a person who directly affects hazardous materials transportation safety; this includes transportation of hazardous wastes. Employees required to receive hazmat transportation training include packaging personnel, handlers, receivers of hazmat shipments, packers, those preparing shipping paperwork, first line supervisors and drivers. The law requires a systematic program that ensures employees have familiarity with the general provisions of the hazardous material transportation regulation; are able to recognize and identify hazardous materials; have knowledge of specific requirements of the functions they perform; have knowledge of emergency response information including self-protection measures and accident prevention methods and procedures; and have training in their organization’s security plan (if applicable). Per the requirements of US DOT, a student’s employer is required to add job-specific information and certification of the student’s hazmat transportation competency. This course covers domestic (mostly highway) transportation only and is designed to meet the general training requirements of 49 CFR §172.704.
Refresher: DOT requires re-training at least every three years.
Hazardous Waste Management - RCRA/WA Dangerous Waste Initial & Refresher - 8 Hours
Hazardous waste regulations can be confusing when it comes to training requirements for employees because both worker protection laws and environmental protection laws require training. This course focuses on the environmental component. If you work for a Large Quantity Generator according to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and Washington State Department of Ecology Dangerous Waste regulations, you are required to have a written training program that covers site and task- specific information for your employees. This course is a good introduction to the basic information needed to manage dangerous waste. It includes designating and quantifying dangerous wastes; determining your generator status; packaging, labeling and manifesting requirements; facility emergency plans; and the basic requirements of Washington State’s more stringent waste management rules. Waste generators of all sizes as well as consultants that work with generators and on contaminated sites will find this course essential. The course materials include a copy of the most current Dangerous Waste Regulation for Washington (WAC 173-303), supplemental handouts and various helpful tools for waste management.
Prerequisite: There are no prerequisites for this course; however, it is helpful to have DOT Hazardous Materials Transportation training.
Refresher: Large Quantity Generator employees must receive annual refresher training.
Hazardous Waste Operations & Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) Initial 40 Hours
This 5-day course is designed for personnel who are involved in investigation and clean-up activities in the contaminated zones at hazardous waste sites. It satisfies the general OSHA/Washington State training requirements in 29 CFR 1910.120 and WAC 296-843 for hazardous waste operations and emergency response. Also addressed are some of the emergency response requirements found in WAC 296-824. The course combines lectures, demonstrations, course exercises and hands-on training in multiple levels of personal protective equipment (PPE). Exercises include level C PPE donning, decontamination and use of self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and levels A & B PPE. Personnel who may need this training include general contractors, excavation contractors, environmental consultants, engineers, field technicians, field scientists, cultural resources professionals and anyone engaged in hazardous substance removal or other activities which may expose them to hazardous substances and health hazards on a regulated hazardous waste site.
Refresher: Completing an annual 8-hour refresher course is required to maintain this certification.
Hazardous Waste Operations & Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) Limited Tasks Initial - 24 Hours
This 3-day course is designed for personnel who perform limited tasks in the less contaminated zones of hazardous waste sites where respirators are not required. It satisfies the general OSHA/Washington State training requirements in 29 CFR 1910.120 and WAC 296-843 for hazardous waste operations. The course combines lectures, demonstrations, course exercises and hands-on training in personal protective equipment (PPE). Exercises include level C PPE donning and decontamination. Personnel who need this training include general contractors, excavation contractors, environmental consultants, engineers, cultural resources professionals, field technicians, field scientists and anyone engaged in activities in the less contaminated areas of a regulated site.
Refresher: Completing an annual 8-hour refresher course is required to maintain this certification.
Hazardous Waste Operations & Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) Refresher – 8 Hours
This refresher course is designed to meet the general OSHA and Washington annual training requirements for personnel who work on hazardous waste sites, at hazardous waste facilities or who respond to hazmat spills. The course also invites students to discuss and critique incidents that have occurred in the past year that can serve as training examples of related work and includes other relevant HAZWOPER topics. This course is adjusted through the day to cover specific information relevant to the students attending. It satisfies the general OSHA/Washington State training requirements in 29 CFR 1910.120 and WAC 296-843.
Hazardous Waste Operations & Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) Supervisor – 8 Hours – Currently available as a Contract Class only
This training is required by WAC 296-843 and 29 CFR 1910.120 for students who directly supervise field personnel who are engaged in hazardous waste site operations. Topics included are hazardous waste management issues, safety & health and environmental regulations, components of site specific health and safety plans and how to implement them, liabilities involved with supervision while working on a hazardous waste site, record-keeping, and what to consider during a site visit from a regulatory inspector.
Prerequisite: HAZWOPER 40 hour or 80-hour initial certification.
Refresher: There is no refresher-training requirement for the HAZWOPER Supervisor certification.
IATA CAT 1 Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Air for Shippers – 16 Hours
All transportation of dangerous goods (hazmat) by air is regulated under international rules, which are authored by IATA (International Air Transportation Association). Since most airline transporters are IATA members, shippers of hazmat by air in the US are required to follow IATA rules. The role of the shipper is the ‘owner’ of the hazmat being shipped; they are responsible for everything that happens to their shipment (including those shipments provided to FedEx, UPS, and other carriers). IATA establishes rules for various levels of transport (shippers, carriers, handlers, etc.) - this Category 1 (“Cat 1”) training addresses the IATA requirements for both domestic and international shippers of hazmat by air. Topics in this class will include the following: classification of dangerous goods, packing requirements, labeling and marking requirements, shipping documentation (shippers declaration forms and airway bill), recognizing undeclared dangerous goods, and more. This course will address both radioactive and nonradioactive materials.
Refresher: Completing a refresher course every two years is required to maintain this certification.
Lead in Construction Safety Awareness OSHA/WA - 2 to 4 Hours
There are workplace and environmental regulations for working with lead paint or other lead hazards. This course addresses the workplace safety and health issues and requirements regarding lead exposure to workers. (For environmental requirements and controls, see our lead certification courses such as Lead Renovator, Inspector and Risk Assessor). This course is intended for workers who perform maintenance, construction, demolition, or other work where lead paint or other lead materials are present. The following topics are included: lead health effects, history and uses; written program requirements; exposure assessments (air monitoring); activities that have the potential to cause workers to be exposed to lead; work area signage; engineering controls and work practices; PPE; respiratory protection; regulations; medical surveillance and medical removal. This course is designed to meet the training requirements of WAC 296-155-176 and OSHA 29 CFR 1926.62.
Refresher: Annual refresher training is required.
Lead Inspector Initial (WA) – 24 Hours
There are both environmental and workplace safety regulations for working with lead paint. This environmental course addresses requirements around sampling to determine presence of lead paint. (For worker safety and health requirements, see our lead OSHA/WA Lead Construction Health & Safety course). The EPA model curriculum for this course covers the lead-based paint (LBP) protocols and focuses on all aspects of a Lead Inspector’s duties including a surface-by-surface inspection for detecting lead-based paint; lead health hazards; regulations covering a lead inspection in paint and soil, preparation of a report, lead abatement and interim control clearance testing. Lead Inspectors do not make recommendations or assess health risks; this must be done by a Lead Risk Assessor. This course is accredited through Washington Department of Commerce (COM) and meets the requirements of EPA TSCA Title X and 40 CFR 745, HUD 24 CFR 35 and WAC 365-230. Valid government-issued photo ID is required for class admission.
The following describes the steps for obtaining your final State certification card:
1) Successful completion of the initial Lead Inspector course and a final exam score of 70% or higher. Argus Pacific issues you a temporary Lead Inspector student certificate; this temporary Argus Pacific certificate expires after 6 months.
2) Before the temporary Argus Pacific certificate expires, attendees must submit a separate application and $25 fee to WA COM and make arrangements to take and pass their WA COM exam in order to receive their final Washington State photo ID certification card. This State certification card expires 3 years from the initial course completion date. (There are exceptions if you will be taking the Lead Risk Assessor course; please see (3) below and see the Lead Risk Assessor course).
3) If you will be taking the Lead Risk Assessor class following the Lead Inspector class, you do not need to complete the COM Lead Inspector exam or application in (2) above. Please see Lead Risk Assessor course description for more information.
Refresher: An 8-hour refresher course is required every 3 years to maintain certification. There is no grace period after expiration of either your 6-month temporary certification (if you haven’t yet applied for and passed the COM exam); nor for your 3-year Washington State photo ID certification card. You would need to re-take the initial Lead Inspector class in either of these cases. (Note: If you are a certified Lead Risk Assessor, a Lead Inspector refresher is not required.)
Lead Renovator (RRP) Initial & Refresher (WA) – 8 Hours
There are EPA, HUD and Washington State Department of Commerce (COM) requirements for renovation, repair and painting (RRP) activities done in residential structures and child-occupied facilities built before 1978; certification is required for the persons overseeing RRP work. This 1-day COM-accredited course meets the requirements of EPA 40 CFR 745 and WAC 365-230 for Renovation, Repair and Painting activities involving lead paint. The EPA model curriculum for this course focuses on all aspects of a Lead Renovator’s duties including testing for lead, lead health hazards, project set-up, contamination control, decontamination, personal protective equipment, regulations, requirements for final cleaning and cleaning verification testing, training information required to be provided to RRP workers, record-keeping and a description of lead clearance testing. There are several hands-on activities from proper project set-up, testing a surface for lead paint, proper containment, cleaning, final cleaning verification, tear-down and proper bagging of waste. The course also summarizes some of the HUD (US Housing & Urban Development) requirements. To earn certification you must successfully complete the course, hands-on activities and obtain a final exam score of 70% or higher. Argus Pacific, Inc. issues a photo ID certification card upon completion of the course. This photo ID certification card expires after 5 years. Please plan for the class day to run as long as 9.5 hours (including lunch) to allow time for the exam and exam grading. Valid government-issued photo ID is required for class admission.
Refresher: A 4-hour refresher course is required prior to the 5-year expiration date to maintain certification. We offer an 8-hour refresher concurrent with each initial 8-hour course.
Lead Risk Assessor Initial (WA) – 16 Hours
There are both environmental and workplace safety regulations for working with lead paint. This course is for those who have successfully completed the Lead Inspector course. The focus of this course is environmental regulations for Lead Risk Assessors. (For worker safety and health requirements, see our lead OSHA/WA Lead Construction Health & Safety course). The EPA model curriculum for this course covers the lead-based paint (LBP) protocols and focuses on all aspects of a Lead Risk Assessor’s duties including identification of lead hazards, recommendations for lead hazard controls; lead health hazards; regulations covering lead risk assessment in paint and soil, preparation of a report, and lead abatement and interim control clearance testing. This course is accredited through Washington Department of Commerce (COM) and meets the requirements of EPA TSCA Title X and 40 CFR 745, HUD 24 CFR 35 and WAC 365-230. Valid government-issued photo ID is required for course admission.The following describes the steps for obtaining your final State certification card for Lead Risk Assessor:
1) Previous successful completion of the initial Lead Inspector course and a Lead Risk Assessor course exam score of 70% or higher. Argus Pacific issues you a temporary Lead Risk Assessor student certificate; this temporary Argus Pacific certificate expires after 6 months.
2) Before your temporary Argus Pacific certificate expires, attendees must submit a separate application and $25 fee to COM and make arrangements to take and pass their State Lead Risk Assessor exam in order to receive their final Washington State photo ID certification card. This State certification card expires 3 years from the initial course completion date.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of the 24-hour Lead Inspector initial course or a current Lead Inspector certification.
Refresher: An 8-hour refresher course is required every 3 years to maintain the Lead Risk Assessor certification. There is no grace period after expiration of either your 6-month temporary Argus Pacific certification (if you haven’t yet applied for and passed the COM exam); nor for your 3-year Washington State photo ID certification card. You would need to re-take the initial Lead Risk Assessor class in either of these cases. (Note: The Lead Risk Assessor includes Lead Inspector; a separate Lead Inspector refresher is not required.)
Lead Supervisor Refresher (WA) – 8 Hours – not offered
This Washington State Department of Commerce (COM) certified 1 day course meets the requirements of EPA TSCA Title X and 40 CFR 745, HUD 24 CFR 35 and WAC 365-230 for lead paint abatement supervisor refresher training. There are both environmental and workplace safety regulations for working with lead paint. This course addresses environmental regulations for lead paint abatement. For worker safety and health requirements, see our lead OSHA/WA Lead Construction Health & Safety course. The EPA model curriculum for this course reviews all aspects of a Lead Supervisor’s duties including lead health hazards; regulations covering lead abatement procedures in paint and soil, and requirements for lead clearance testing. The refresher course requires successful completion of the course and a final exam score of 70% or higher. Upon successful completion of the refresher course Argus Pacific issues a certificate, which expires after 3 years. After successfully completing their refresher, attendees need to submit their COM application and fee to COM in order to receive their Washington State photo ID card.
Prerequisite: Current Lead Supervisor certification.
Refresher: An 8 hour refresher course is required every 3 years thereafter to maintain certification.
Lead Worker Refresher (WA) – 8 Hours – not offered
This Washington State Department of Commerce (COM) certified 1 day course meets the requirements of EPA TSCA Title X and 40 CFR 745, HUD 24 CFR 35 and WAC 365-230 for lead abatement worker refresher training. There are both environmental and workplace safety regulations for working with lead paint. This course addresses environmental regulations for lead paint abatement. For worker safety and health requirements, see our lead OSHA/WA Lead Construction Health & Safety course. The EPA model curriculum for this course reviews all aspects of a Lead Worker’s duties including lead health hazards and regulations covering lead abatement procedures in paint and soil. The refresher course requires successful completion of the course and a final exam score of 70% or higher. Upon successful completion of the refresher course Argus Pacific issues a certificate, which expires after 3 years. After successfully completing their refresher, attendees need to submit their COM application and fee to COM in order to receive their Washington State photo ID card.
Refresher: An 8 hour refresher course is required every 3 years to maintain certification.
Mold Management – Currently available as a Contract Class only
Mold continues to be a concern because of ongoing damage to buildings and occupant health issues. Mold issues have cost building owners and insurance companies millions of dollars over the past two decades. This Mold Management course emphasizes practical approaches to identifying, abating, and preventing mold growth in buildings and provides students with the principles and tools needed to anticipate, recognize, evaluate, and control mold growth. The course covers information about what mold is, how it grows, and dispels myths and misconceptions that have become widespread. Students also learn what to look for when evaluating techniques for mold identification, evaluation, and control. This includes an introduction to state-of-the-art equipment such as infrared cameras and moisture meters as well as mold sampling techniques. This course is designed to help students make sound decisions about when mold experts are needed and what that expertise should include, which will help protect them from expensive mistakes caused by improper actions that cover up mold problems rather than eradicate them. Although there are no Washington State or federal laws regulating mold, this course is strongly recommended for construction and restoration contractor estimators, project managers, and superintendents; building owners; property managers; environmental consultants; and insurance company adjusters.
Safety: Fall Protection Basics – 4 Hours – Currently available as a Contract Class only
This class will provide students with a comprehensive overview of Fall Protection practices in construction in the following areas: fall restraint and fall arrest-what they are and when to utilize them; how to inspect and fit your personal fall protection equipment; portable and extension ladder proper use and requirements; common types of scaffolding systems and their proper use.
Silica Competent Person (Construction) – 4 Hours – Currently available as a Contract Class only
Crystalline silica is a common mineral found in many naturally-occurring and human-made construction materials (ex: brick, stone, concrete, mortar, sand). When these materials are disturbed (sanding, grinding, sawing, crushing, drilling, etc.), harmful silica dust can be released. When silica hazards are present during construction work a competent person is required. This training provides students with a comprehensive overview of the new construction rule for Silica; how to use Table 1, which lists 18 different construction tasks and the methods required for controlling workers’ exposure to silica; the competent person’s role and responsibilities; health hazards; medical surveillance; exposure assessment and written exposure control plans; respiratory protection; and helpful online resources such as OSHA’s “Small Entity Compliance Guide for the Respirable Crystalline Silica Standard for Construction”.
Refresher: There is no refresher requirement for silica training.